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Fluid Training for a Fluid Environment

New patches are here!!


GSDR at the Galveston Police Dive Academy with Mark Phillips and Ronny Philips

GSDR at Marathon Oil

Gulf States Dive and Rescue welcomes you to our site.
We offer a number of classes and services to meet the needs of public safety professionals, private and commercial businesses and even educational kids programs for camps and get togethers.

Our Instructors have been vetted by the best! From innovators and professionals that created the first swift water rescue program in the United States in 1979 (Jim Segerstrom) to certified subject matter experts and profesionals behind some of the most respected programs and equipment in the world (Jim LaValley & Bruce Rieger) to public safety dive professionals (legends really) that have driven changes that have made the most impact on the evolution of PS Diver s
afety and accountability (Mark Phillips and Buck Buchanon). 

Our certification classes meet NFPA 1670, 2500 and we have voluntarily followed the standards of internationally recognized training agencies for years while our competitors have basically bragged about there being none to follow. Just because they don't recognize them, doesn't mean they don't exist.

Certification courses have been peer reviewed and backed by some of the most recognized and respected water rescue training agencies in the world including International Rescue Instructors Association (IRIA) Emergency Response Diving International (ERDI), Public Safety Diving and Water Rescue Inc (PSDA) and our recreational SCUBA programs are currently backed by U.S. based, Veteran owned International Diving Educators Association Public Safety (IDEA PS). 

Award winning team! Unparalleled experience!

What can we do for you?



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Water Safety with Jason Momoa

Water Safety with Bruce Willis

Water Safety NCIS: New Orleans

Literally thousands of First Responders trained 

GSDR working in the TX EOC after Hurricane Harvey 

Illinois National Guard

Water Safety/Stunts with Emma Stone

Over a decade with Iromman brand Triathlons

History 2023 
P Fraser

Check out our NEW PICTURES and CONTENT under "What we do"  and "Professional Acknowledgments!! (1/19/23)

Gulf South made, Louisiana Based, Est. 2009

Gulf State Dive and Rescue

"Fluid training for a fluid environment"


GSDR offers multiple training classes to help get you and your team trained in many water based disciplines.


-Water Safety Elements for the     Workplace(c) (GSDR) including:

 Water Safety and Survivability for the   

 Work Place  

 Safety Boat Operations for the Work     

 Place (GSDR)

-Recreational SCUBA Diving  (PADI/SDI)

-Public Safety SCUBA Diving (ERDI)

-Response Boat Operations (ERDI)

-Rescue Boat Operator (IRIA)

-Rescue Diver (PADI / SDI)

-Rescue Swimmer (ERDI)

-Swift Water/Flood Rescue Technician   


-Quick Rescue Diver (GSDR)

IDEA = International Association of Diving Educators

PADI = Professional Association of Dive Instructors

IRIA = International Rescue Instructor Association 

ERDI = Emergency Response Diving International 

SDI = Scuba Diving International 

PSDA= Public Safety Diving Association and Water Rescue Inc

If you are interested in getting your team or you trained, click below, choose and schedule your classes or request to host your own classes.


Part of what we do at GSDR is community programs and even emergency response to disasters (i.e . hurricanes, floods, etc.)

Some recent examples Include: 

-Hurricane Florence, Nichols, SC

- Hurricane Harvey,  Vidor,  TX

- kiDz iN Da poOl (tm)

- Tangipahoa Parish, Residential Flood Rescue Exercise

- St Tammany Parish Sheriffs Department hosted  Polar Plunge Fund raiser for the Louisiana Special Olympics

Previous deployment history of our team members include: 

Hurricanes: Georges, Danny, Katrina, Rita, Gustave, Ike, Isaac, Harvey, Florence and Laura as well as search and recovery missions as far back  as 2004 for local agencies  such as: New Orleans Fire Department, New Orleans Harbor Police, New Orleans, LA EOC and US Navy, Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries and several more. 

If you would like to learn more or help with future or current events please click the "More info" button below!

If we are on a mission that you are currently watching in real time, you may offer assistance by TEXTING    

   "Mission Assistance - XXXX"         (XXXXX = Fuel, food, water, manpower,  vessels, resources)


to 504-362-5731

Example: "Mission Assistance- FUEL" 



Can you help?

If you can help us help the community please navigate to our "Want to get involved?" page here! or fill out the form to discuss volunteering options!


Thanks! Message sent.

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Gulf States Dive and Rescue is a 501(c)(3) not for profit whose mission it is to help reduce the burden on government in preparation, training and response to flooding and water related emergencies by providing training, equipment and sound judgment based on years of experience working in the field of water rescue and professional marine safety .  


​Our courses are certification courses back and supported by the Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI), Scuba Diving International (SDI) as well as Emergency Response Diving International (ERDI) and International Rescue Instructors Association (IRIA)  Internationally recognized courses meet or exceed the requirements, standards or guidelines set forth by  NFPA, FEMA, NIMS, POST, OSHA, ANSI,  WRSTC and RSTC (based on the specific course that it applies to). 

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2017- Present

IRIA Logo without Registered Mark - Nov





2004-2017 as Regional Director

2000- Present

2023 - Present


Due to consistent work and classes, 


Unavailable for appointments on weekends without prior coordination 504-382-1097

Mailing Address

400 Lapalco Blvd. #308 

Gretna, Louisiana 70056

Physical Address

1530 Lapalco Blvd Ste 27

Harvey, Louisiana 70058

Office: 504-362-5731

Fax: 504-393-1232

Deployment/Mission Request


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© 2024 by Paul Fraser

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