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Gulf States Dive and Rescue 2023 504-362-5731
Important Downloads
Course Flyers
SCUBA MEDICAL- Mandatory for all SCUBA classes. If you can answer "yes" to any questions, call our shop 504-362-5731
Marine Safety Elements for the Work Place
Boater Moving Water Handling and Survivability
Moving water, contamination, uncooperative people and animals, power lines, lack of resources and many other factors can make flooding into populous very dangerous. It is always best to evacuate well before flooding impedes your escape. However, that’s not always possible and local emergency services are often taxed creating long evacuation times and limited rescue capabilities. The newest addition to our Marine Safety Elements program, this workshop is designed to provide basic flood escape and neighbor assistance boating skills and information for civilians who decide that because of family, farm, or other challenge, it may be necessary for a civilian to remain behind until escape may require evacuation by a personal boat.
Rescue Swimmer 2020 (IRIA or ERDI)
Rescue Boat Operator 2020 (IRIA or ERDI)
Swift Water/Flood Rescue 2020 (IRIA or ERDI)
Rescue Diver - PADI Sept 2020
ERDI Emergency Response Diver 1 2020
kiDz iN Da poOl
Medical for Course
Some of the training we provide is very strenuous. If you have any concern regarding you, a family member or team member's health participating in a class, please read this medical form. If you can say "yes" to any of these questions, we will provide additional information that you and your personal physician can discuss.
This page is REQUIRED for SCUBA, Swift Water, Rescue Swimmer and Rescue Boat Operations Certification for IRIA, ERDI, SDI and PADI
It is NOT required for civilian, KiDz iN Da pool and Marine Safety Elements programs, though we do ask for our own information so that we can tailor the class to the client needs. (GSDR reserves the right to require MD consultation depending on some answers and the activity the student is enrolled)
2023 Lift Bags and SVE
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